Welcome from the


Executive Headteacher's Welcome

A very warm welcome to our school. I am delighted and proud to be the Executive Headteacher of Swallownest Primary School. I feel privileged to be leading a vibrant school, working within the learning community and shaping the future for our children in Rotherham.

My priority as Headteacher is to ensure that we raise standards and outcomes for children striving to become an excellent provider of education.




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Book Fair

The Book Fair has arrived in school! It will be open after school from Wednesday 25th September 2024 to next Monday 30th September 2024. Card is preferred, however we...

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Sensory Areas and Cosy Corner!

Over the summer holidays, Mr Duke and Mrs Leivers have been busy creating some new sensory areas and a cosy corner in school. These are open to all pupils throughout the...

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Neighbourhood Grant Well Spent!

The Eco-council have discussed and debated how a grant from the Neighbourhoods South Devolved Budget – Aughton & Swallownest Ward Members Capital Fund should be spent...

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Goodbye Pat

Today we have said goodbye to Pat our Lollipop lady of 38 years. Thanks to all of the parents and staff that contributed towards Pat’s gifts. Here are a few photos of...

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Year End Wish-list

The staff at SWP are really excited when the post arrives as we are starting to receive books from our year end wish-list, thank you to those that have sent books. Here...

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Swallownest Results

Success Rates

Pass Rate in Reading
Writing Accomplishments
Excellence in Mathematics