FS1 England 1

Welcome to England 1

Miss Jones, Mrs Gray and Mrs Chan will be working with the children in FS1.


This term our learning includes the following:


We will be listening to and learning the initial sounds in words. For example s in sun, f in fox and d in dog.

We will be introduced to Phase 2 letters and sounds.   


We will be reading the stories ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’, ‘The Gruffalo’ and ‘Peace at Last’

We will learn to retell the stories using full sentences.

When reading the story, we will be learning the following vocabulary:

bear, perfect, tatty, brown, soft, special, forest, picnic, treats, home, tired


We will be learning to count forwards and backwards along a number line with numbers up to 10.

We will learn to share things equally between 2 people.

We will explore 2D shapes.

We will learn the days of the week.


As we are learning about the Summer, we will explore the places we can go to and explore during the Summer. We will look at local places and some places we can go to on holiday.  


We will be learning about the different seasons. We will discuss the different weather we experience in the seasons. We will discuss and explore the fun we can have in the Summer.


During PSHE lessons, we will discuss things that are special to us. We will discuss the people that we love. We will also show and tell our favourite/special toy or teddy with our class friends.  


We will design and bake treats for a Teddy Bears picnic.

We will have a Teddy Bear picnic day with all of our friends.

Additional Texts

That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown by Cressida Cowell

The Teddy Robber by Ian Beck

Where’s my teddy? By Jez Alborough

Under the same sky by Britta Teckentrup