FS2 England 2

Welcome to England 2


Mrs Mbikayi, Mrs Mullins, Mrs Holyman and Mrs Chan will be working with the children in Foundation 2. 


This term, our learning includes the following:


We will continue to recap our knowledge in Phase 2 sounds and Phase 2 tricky words. We will also recap learning Phase 3 sounds and Phase 3 tricky words. We will be learning to read and write captions and simple sentences using our Phonics knowledge. We will be learning Phase 4 Phonics.


We will be reading the story ‘The Seesaw’ We will learn to retell the story using full sentences. When reading the story, we will be learning the following vocabulary: beloved tatty perfect pounded tumble curiously battered company returned replace locket shoals shimmering hitched guide concerned dock harbour



We will be learning to count forwards and backwards along a number line with numbers up to 20. We will learn odd and even numbers. We will explore 2D shapes. We will learn the days of the week and the months of the year.


We will be learning about the different seasons. We will discuss the different weather we experience in the seasons. We will discuss and explore the fun we can have in the Summer.


As we are learning about the Summer, we will explore the places we can go to and explore during the Summer. We will look at local places and some places we can go to on holiday.  


During PSHE lessons, we will discuss things that are special to us. We will discuss the people that we love. We will also show and tell our favourite/special toy with our class friends.  

Design and Technology 

We will continue to enjoy baking with Mrs Jennett every Thursday. We will design and bake our treats for a Teddy Bear picnic. We will have a Teddy Bear picnic with all of our friends.


Additional texts:

That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown by Cressida Cowell

The Teddy Robber by Ian Beck

Where’s my teddy? By Jez Alborough

Under the same sky by Britta Teckentrup


PE day is Thursday. Please remember to send your child in their PE kit on this day. 


We will change reading books every Monday. Please encourage your child to read their book on a regular basis.


Maths Key Facts are sent home each term.