Year 2 Kenya

Welcome to Kenya Class


Mrs Leivers, Mrs Peake and Miss Hague will be working with the children in Year 2.

This term, our learning includes the following:


Our text for this term is 'Look Up' by Nathan Bryon.

We will be learning to:

  • use a range of suffixes

  • use a range of subordination and coordination in our writing

  • use past and present tenses correctly, including the progressive form

  • use expanded noun phrases to add detail and specify


Efficient problem solving methods, including mental addition and subtraction


Position and direction


Plants- the life cycle of a plant, germination, pollination


Local artist study, focusing on ceramics and clay work


Money Matters - children will think about how money is used in the wider world. In their learning, children will discuss what a financial risk is, why people may take risks with money and some consequences of this.

Growing Up – Children will build knowledge of how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally, and the types of relationships that people have.


Biodiversity in the local area


iMoves unit - agility and coordination

Athletics and Olympics preparation

PE day is Monday, so please wear your PE kit to school! Long hair should be tied back and all piercings should be removed or covered.


Learning to play the recorder. We have been perfecting how to hold the recorder, recognise crotchet and minims and play the note 'b'


Islam - Why is the Mosque a special place for Muslims?

Home Learning

We encourage all home learning based on our current units of work alongside children completing weekly sessions on Spelling Shed and Numbots. 

Maths Key Facts will be sent home each term.

Maths Key Facts