Year 4 New Zealand

Welcome to New Zealand Class

Mr Marshall and Mrs Thompson will be working with the children in Year 4.

This term, our learning includes:


We shall be looking at the text Blue John by Berlie Doherty.

The aim will be to write a letter in role as an expert containing an explanation about cave formation.


We shall be looking at converting between fractions and decimals. We will also be moving into problem solving with fractions and decimals involving money and statistics.


We shall be reading and answering vocabulary, retrieval, inference and summarising questions about the text a myth hunter’s travel guide by Tom Button.


This half term we will be looking at the creators of the sea bin Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski, two avid water lovers, created the Seabin—an innovative product designed to collect trash, oil, fuel and detergents

Design and Technology 

We shall be analysing and creating a pop up book using four different mechanisms containing levers and linkages.


This term we will be exploring electricity and the work of Nobel prize winner Charles Kao.


This term we will be programming and exploring the world of repetition in code. 


We shall be looking at how to explain in French where we live and describe the different places other people live.


This topic builds on children’s knowledge of the human body; how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally. Children will learn about their own and others’ bodies and how male and female bodies play a part in human reproduction. They will also learn about different relationships and family structures.



In this unit the children will learn to compose music with their friends. The children will learn about various key signatures that guide melodies used in the music, about where a melody should ‘land’, about ‘tonic pitch’ or the ‘home note’ whilst practicing listening, singing, and playing instruments to explore this important note in music.


PE day is Tuesday so please wear your PE kit.

This half term we will be continuing to attend swimming sessions focussing on water safety so please bring your swimming kit in your bag. 

Home Learning

We encourage all home learning based on our current units of work alongside children completing weekly sessions on Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed.

Maths Key Facts will be sent home each term.

Maths Key Facts