Year 4 New Zealand
Welcome to New Zealand Class
Mr Donnelly, Mrs Thompson and Mrs Wilsher will be working with the children in Year 4 until Christmas.
This term, our learning includes:
Our book is called ‘Gorilla’.
We are learning to:
• Expand noun phrases by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositional phrases
• Choose nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to avoid repetition
• Use fronted adverbials
• Organise paragraphs around a theme (Use paragraphs to organise and sequence more extended narrative structures)
• Use commas after fronted adverbials
We shall be looking at Place value, as well as addition and subtraction within multi-step problems.
We will be advancing our learning within map reading including hemispheres, longitude and latitude.
This term we will be listening and responding to different genres of music as well as taking part in our weekly singing sessions.
This term we will be exploring animals including humans focusing on the scientist Carl Linnaeus.
This term we will be using the internet, exploring databases and learning about E-Safety on Natterhub.
We shall be advancing our phonetical knowledge as well as ways to introduce ourselves.
VIPS - This topic builds on children’s knowledge of key relationships and people within our lives.
PE day is Thursday so please wear your PE kit.
Home Learning
We encourage all home learning based on our current units of work alongside children completing weekly sessions on Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed.