Year 6 Mexico

Welcome to Mexico Class

Mr Webb and Mrs McCulloch will be working with the children in Year 6.

This term, our learning includes the following:


Editing of previous writing then Pathways unit- Sky Chasers.


Statistics – Interpreting pie charts and line graphs and calculating the mean of sets of data.


Looking after the environment – including looking at the impact of pollution.


Textiles – making a bag out of recycled materials.


Money Matters - children will think about how money is used in the wider world. In their learning, children will discuss what a financial risk is, why people may take risks with money and some consequences of this.

Growing Up – Children will build knowledge of how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally, and the types of relationships that people have.


Exploring the life of activist Yvon Chouinard.


Exploring the history of black people in Britain from Roman times to modern day.


iMove - Pupils will explore a range of increasingly complex actions while performing a range of skills in preparation for sports day.

PE day is Wednesday so please wear your PE kit.


Describing the weather and knowing days and months of the year to be able to say the date and our birthdays.


Learning to play the recorder.

Home Learning

We encourage all home learning based on our current units of work alongside children completing weekly sessions on Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed.

Maths Key Facts will be sent home each term.

Maths Key Facts