First of all, talk to us! Please feel free contact your child’s class teacher about your concerns initially. We pride ourselves on building positive relationships with parents/carers. We always strive to be open and honest with yourselves and hope that you are able to do the same with us!
1. The Class Teacher:
In the first instance, your child’s Class Teacher is the first person to discuss your concerns with. The class teacher is responsible for monitoring your child’s progress, planning and delivering the curriculum and providing your child with any extra support they may need. The Class Teacher will set and then review support plan targets which will be shared with parents as part of the annual review cycle. As part of the Graduated Response it is the Class Teachers responsibility to keep parents informed and up to date with their child’s learning journey sharing success, concerns and offering advice on supporting learning at home.
2. The SENDCo: Mrs Leivers
The SENDCo has the responsibility of over seeing the SEND provision throughout school. This means offering advice and support to Class Teachers; holding review meetings, monitoring progress of the children and meeting with parents. The SENDCo will keep the Inclusion Register up to date and make referrals for children to external agencies such as the Child Development Centre (CDC), CAMHS, the Specialist Inclusion Team (SIT), Educational Psychology Services, Speech and Language Therapy services (SALT) and Occupational Therapy services among others.
3. The Head of School and Executive Headteacher
The Head Teacher/s have the responsibility for the management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND. He will ensure that the SENDCo and Class Teachers meet the needs of all children and keep the Governing Body up to date with any SEND issues/developments.
SENDCo Details:
Mrs S Leivers
What will happen if school is concerned about my child’s learning?
1. If your child is not making the expected progress the class teacher will put some additional support in place for your child and discuss this with you offering advice and guidance of what you could do at home to support their learning in school.
2. If your child is still not making the expected progress then the class teacher will put some targeted provision in place on a Support Plan. Your child may then access an intervention programme as part of a small group or receive some additional input off one of the Teaching Assistants.
3. If after a targeted intervention your child is still not making progress it is at this point a referral to an outside agency will be considered.
This is called The Graduated Response.